lil reality check

i must have a lot to say b/c i keep busting myself talking to myself. oops. my head does overtime which is why it is actually going to be a special experiment this week to have a whole week of nothing to worry about... we have never taken a family week-long beach trip and here we are. i am trying to focus on doing things that are relaxing and life giving when i can, i do understand there is reality on the other side. okay, so some of you are laughing, but give me my chance to learn. um, beach with a baby? a kid period. ah, dang. cute. for like 15-20 minutes. and then i want to read and i want the sand out of my bathing suit and i want to enjoy my canned amstel light and soak up the rays. FUNNY. after my first day at the beach, i am 3 pages farther in my book and i look the same as yesterday skin tone wise. and hannah had a movement that leaked threw her bathing suit onto the new tent/tarp. special. now granted, don't get me wrong... watching hannah eat sand and crawl to the water is adorable. she is fearless and curious. i love it!  AND life has changed, vacation is different. and this is not bad, this is just a brain shift. her hair is curling wildly with the humidity and water, it's so dang cute. and i actually found myself choked up when we strapped her in the back of the bike and we rode together to harbour town (which i did many times as a tike with my family). and stephen and i are making the most of meals at home. we are enjoying cooking together - last night fresh tomato linguine with salad and tonight flank steak with spinach,pine nut cous-cous (please refer to real simple for those of you that subscribe - the 20 min. meal ideas - YUM!). so this is good. this new vacay reality. i hope i make the most of it and soak up all i can.