Inviting, Risking, Recieving

I have a bit of a vulnerability hangover. And my cup fills very full.  So the tired tonight feels just right, and I have just have a couple of thoughts for day 8 of writing. Showing up ain't no walk in the park but it sure is amazing to see all the beauty on the trails. 

Inviting is hard. The risk to let you know I need you and that its not all worked out actually makes my stomach flip. Naming is hard. To put to words what i spend a lot of time distracting myself from makes it so tricky to nail down whats real under all i am taking in these days. But i cannot believe the goodness in finding the words and telling the truth. Responding is generous. The minutes we spend to say I see you are always worth it. I treasure every card, text, email, like, comment, etc. that I receive and hope I will never debate the effort to respond and let someone know, i may not understand or have your answers, but I see you. 

Risking and then receiving is like a waterfall of gold. I am always surprised by who responds and what meant anything to them. And i am always relieved at our shared humanity and the beauty in the undressing, the makeup free, run around bare feet days. We all have a lot of lovely underneath all we cover up that we don't know how to love or see. But when we try, even a little, the sweetness to receive kindness from others in that place is like sunshine on my face. Its just so so healing. 

So I am grateful today for all the kindness and humanity I have experienced of late, and in the last year because I invited and I told the truth a little. It scared the hell out of me, but I loved when it didn't scare others and it actually just made us more alike. I miss people. I love connection. So, I feel all out there today and feel the hunger and wish to be invited on other's journeys as well. So, friends, thank you, and I'm all ears!