thank you

the formal thank you notes should be in the mail but i am horrendously behind period on thank you notes of all kinds, professional and personal. please accept my apology and know you have really blessed me.  She is spoiled already. Kim, dear friend, left us a basket full of GIRL goodies to begin to jazz us up about girls. she has two beautiful ones who we adore and will be great role models for Sprouta, I already know it. and Kim's tenderness to her daughters, wow.  my mother-in-law, Sherry, sent two fantastic baby polo outfits - can you take it? wow, we are in trouble, all this minature clothing is adorable. i do realize the reality is that she will spit up and potentially poop on half of these dreamy outfits in the 2 months they fit her. that's beside the point.  lastly, my sister was here for the last few days. she is so so cool and patient and sacrificial and resourceful. so many things i am so happy to be exposed to and reminded there is hope that Sprouta will have some fantastic outside influencers in her life. If she gets any of those characteristics from her aunt amy i will be beside myself. amy and aaron are also expecting and the joy of talking pregnancy with my sister was just too generous of God to us, we loved it. (although i hated to inform her of what was quickly approaching her bod.. gas, a box of a body topped off with unmanageable chest, tossing and turning to figure out how to sleep with this waterballon type belly, sweat, etc. etc.) Okay, so i must get to packing, tomorrow i head for Vancouver, BC where we will begin days of celebration for my mom and aaron who are graduating with their Master's degree from Regent. My mom, holy cow, what an unbelievable accomplishment, getting her master's degree in her late 50's. surpassing her daughter's resume, just like that. She has worked so hard and it will be pure joy to celebrate all she has gotten to experience over the last 3 years in school. You go girl. (now get back to the EAST side!)