community-wide yard sale

Garage Sale Goodness. I should stop there, but it is like you have never seen before. Here is how the day went down. HAO wakes up at the crack (have i mentioned the sun rises at like 5am here... special) and she and i snuggle on the sofa for Curious George. I knew today was the Phinney Greenwood Neighborhood Garage Sale and i knew they had 96 house participants (OM!), so i pop online to figure out our timing and strategy and then i come up with the list of goods we should be looking for, after all we actually need to sell bunches of our stuff. We are coffeed up and out by the time they begin and it was INCREDIBLE, like every street you turn there are yard sales on after the other. We had fun walking through the hood and at the end of the day I scored a mountain bike for me for $40, Hannah's first mini Schwinn for $9 (pink nonetheless), a sweet yellow table that has no place but i loved it $20, and a bunch of random goods totaling about $20 like Hi Ho Cherry O, vintage napkins, a great butcher block, a hatchet, and 2 shirts and a pair of addidas for Hannah. And last but not least a family saw us and pulled out there old Burley bike trailer which i have been looking feverishly for and they typically run between $300-$500, and they GAVE it to us. Granted it has been in their basement for circa 5 years and has mega mildew and I DEFINITELY have my work cut out for me to clean it, but i have nothing to lose. Will show before and after pics on that project.

anywho, it was fun, i could have carried on for hours but my team grew weary, so we all came home, played a round of hi ho and took some good naps with all the windows open enjoying the warm air.

this evening we met up with JoAnn and Heath again,this time at Golden Gardens they thought we would like and it was LOVELY, (pics below), and then out to India Bistro in Ballard which was delish! Hannah however was out of sorts and i could tell she was getting warmer and warmer and sure enough got home took her temp and the poor girl had 102.6 fever. i felt terrible for dragging her all around, she is sound asleep now and i am hopeful we'll figure out what is ailing her and that she gets real good rest.

i love that someone else's tossaways became our treasures today, and hoping they all function past next week. (: