change change change
I sat across from a friend who dropped by on a break from her own packing day, having a little chick-fil-a, wanting to hear everything. She was as lovely and open-hearted as I remember. Sometimes I have to pinch myself where I get to begin in conversations with old friends - its so good. And honestly, as a sidenote, it was one of the things I loved about conversations in Seattle, most people got to things that mattered pretty quickly. Very little chit chat about haircuts and new clothes, not that it doesn't matter, but you recognize them and then get meaty. This friend said after about three sentences of conversation, "I see that your footprint here remained but what do you do with all the ways you come back different? How do you honor what you've learned?" Bingo bango.
She got there real fast but these thoughts go through my head most days and could be paralyzing enough for me to stay indoors. I can't lose what I've gained at real cost. I answered her that I hoped I could be as open to others as I long for for myself - just enough for it to be okay to say something different or wear something different or care about something new or care about something less - to speak new ideas about Jesus or feel removed from their spiritual journey - to hate sports and love trump (cant picture these but the numbers say they exist) - Point being I keep wondering can we offer more space to each other?
Just before I begin writing, I was reading a card from a brilliant friend in Seattle who said her wish for me was that Jesus would grace me with spaces big enough and connected enough for my generous, wild heart and gifting. And I thought.... yessss. Thank you for that wish. Me too. For me. And for my friends.
How can we invite change in those we know the best? Can we be agile and courageous enough to let them free, awaken, heal, change too? I know I prize familiarity and that i have to talk myself out of knowing exactly how someone will act so i behave accordingly to their box. Yet Im learning we all just want a little more give on the boxes, a greater opening at the top, a more robust curiosity for what's inside. So, as I close out this day, that's what I am holding close. I will fight for the places I have been awakened to myself and attempt to be slower and curious with others to see the same in them. Actually, the thought of it has me beyond delighted, because it reminds me how much more is in each of us that needs particular time and space and age to blossom. Cheers.